Our core values are: humanity, sincerity and commitment.

These are also reflected in everything we do and what we stand for. You will also notice this in your contact with us and in our services.

Our Mission is to give everyone access to affordable care that works. In order to truly help people and in the process make the world a little more beautiful and better.


We are very involved with our clients, both remotely and in our practice

We have a small heart and are often touched by what people have experienced and by who they are. Therefore, we often do literally everything we can to help you the best we can.

We look forward to getting to know you.

Warm greetings,

Shahera el Katib (GZ-Psychologist and SSP provider)

William Bolle (Practice assistant and SSP provider)

Learn more about our practice

Safeandsoundprotocol-ssp.nl is part of BrainArts, a psychology practice based in Utrecht. In our practice we successfully offer the Safe and Sound Protocol as part of a regular treatment within the GGZ. Because of these experiences, we are able to guide you optimally when you take the Safe and Sound Protocol with us. 

As the official provider for Unyte, we are also trained to provide you with the best possible support. For this, we use Unyte's app, which we give you access to. In this way we can apply the Safe and Sound Protocol everywhere in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Besides the app you will also receive our course based on the Polyvagal theory that offers you insight into your reactions to emotions, stress and danger and teaches you to deal with them differently. deal with this. The course is a great complement to the Safe and Sound Protocol.

By also offering the SSP online, we can help many more people than just through our practice. You can count on a personal touch even though it's online. And we will always try to help you where we can and support where we can.

We have a lot of experience in offering SSP online. As a result, our approach may sometimes be different from what you've heard or read elsewhere. We know from our experience online and in our practice that the SSP is equally effective in both forms. Provided it is gone through and guided appropriately.

In addition to the Safe and Sound protocol, we offer another treatment from Unyte, namely the Focus system.

This system uses specially filtered music and movement exercises to restore balance to your brain. It does this by using special programs to make weaker parts of the brain stronger again.

This is used in ADHD, Autism and other developmental disorders. It is also used successfully with trauma. It also has programs to improve your overall functioning. 

Recently, we can also offer the Focus system online. So that you can follow it anywhere under our guidance.

We are an innovative practice that looks holistically at all possible problem areas in your life.

In addition to SSP and Focus, we also work with Brainspotting, which is a very effective treatment method.

We also offer more traditional forms of therapy such as EMDR and talk therapy. More information about our practice can be found at BrainArts.nl

At BrainArts, we help both self-paying clients and clients through the primary mental health care system. The latter requires a referral from your primary care physician.

Our waiting time averages 12 weeks.
