Discover the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Find out how listening to five hours of filtered music can make a big difference. And how it can help you feel better.

Restore balance to your body with the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a program which is designed to help people feel permanently calmer and safer.

It uses specially processed music to regulate your nervous system, soothe it and thus reduce stress.

It was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, creator of the Polyvagal theory. It has already helped many people feel better and experience more peace.

You can easily follow the program at home through Unyte's app.

Filtered music

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a therapeutic listening intervention. Which uses filtered music to help people who have experienced trauma or chronic stress feel safer and secure in their bodies.

The Safe and Sound Protocol includes:

Listening to five hours of filtered music divided into 20-40 sessions according to a listening schedule.

A Polyvagal course with helpful information, breathing exercises, movement exercises and Polyvagal exercises.

Comprehensive listening instructions so you know exactly what to do.

What does the SSP consist of?

The SSP consists of three paths, Connect, Core and Balance.

You get access to the full SSP with us.

The Safe and Sound Protocol is designed to:
  • Reduce noise sensitivities
  • Improve auditory processing
  • Improve behavioral regulation

  • Become more socially adept
  • Be able to relax better
  • Managing emotions and behaviors better

  • Better connect with yourself and other people
  • Support your neuroception (your sense of security)
  • Return the body and mind to safety and relaxation

Read how the SSP is helping our clients

They are happy to share these experiences with you to give you a better understanding of the SSP. And what it can do for you.

I am also managing to cautiously exercise/sports a little more again.

I benefited greatly from Core especially during the first week. I could work much longer without getting tired. After the first week I didn't notice a big difference, but now that I look back at the past few weeks I can see how activities that were relatively strenuous for me have now gone on without too many complaints. In the meantime I have been able to attend two busy birthdays and during the May holidays I went away for six days including a flight.

Yes it is going well. I really notice a difference.

Other than that, I am calmer. I feel stimuli much better and whether I'm tired or maybe feeling down.

So overall I say successful!

I'm very glad I discovered it!

I knew so YouTube healing frequencies... But this is of a completely different order. I always felt it immediately in my throat, jaw and facial muscles. There was such a feeling of relaxation. The same in my belly and chest. And there is a warm feeling, my nervous system is more regulated. And somehow I'm also more communicative.

Furthermore, I have less restlessness now

I often had such a gnawing sense of insecurity, the feeling that something terrible could happen at any moment. That has become less. I also have less tension with driving.

It makes me feel peaceful

Recovery thereafter is smoother.

I feel somehow supported by the program and that's nice.

It helps me process

I am now 10 days into the SSP and I am experiencing that one of my underlying fears, which I thought was not currently in play, is suddenly surfacing in everyday life. In the last days also that when I listen to the music, I get sad about this and those emotions come up. 

I feel calmer

It also did my daughter good. But there is still potential, she still has fears.

Very special and fine!

By now I have listened to Freely twice, my husband is about to start his second time.

Especially after the first time, I noticed a difference, it felt like coming home to myself.

My husband initially said he didn't notice anything about it, but I did notice it in him. He was much more relaxed and less easily irritated; it really made a big difference.


The first few times I felt a little restless and somehow more energetic than usual, but that has subsided.

In general, I feel much more present on one side and calm/quiet on the other.

A good state that gives me more ability to regulate myself and make inner decisions before reacting to anything.

First of all I want to say thank you for the opportunity to use the Safe and Sound protocol.

I noticed to my delight that this is more powerful than expected. It made me positive but also in respect to it. I started with one minute as recommended and I felt clearly activation of the nervous system, especially the second day. I tend to be in dorsal shutdown most of the time so I guess it's a good thing to get more activated. 

I do feel some positive effects too. Less dissociative, more clear minded, energetic and have easier to take action. 

I continue to be amazed by the difference I feel after doing the Safe and Sound Protocol

I have had more energy and motivation. It feels easier to do household chores, I no longer need to force myself to do it. I have no more anxiety when I'm under pressure. I feel more patient and calm. I don't have to act calm when something frustrating is happening, because I actually feel calm. The anhedonia I had been struggling with in varying levels for the past 10 years is nearly completely gone. 

It made me much more alert

Sometimes I had the impression that my mood was suddenly a lot better. I noticed smaller details in my environment (plants, sounds, smells) much more intensely and had something akin to a "childlike" curiosity. Social interaction with others also seemed to improve. I was much more relaxed in all situations and could think clearly without becoming stressed.

Listening does me a lot of good

I find that I am more at ease with others and relaxed 🙂 .  
