Case study: finding nervous system regulation after long-term COVID

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About the provider

Name: Christa Hines

Discipline/References: LCSW, CADC-II

Modalities: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP); Tension, Stress and Trauma Release ( TRE); Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) ; Internal family systems ( IFS )

Customer background

Name: Teresa (pseudonym)

Age and gender: 52-year-old woman

Diagnoses and conditions: Symptoms associated with long-term COVID.

Program delivered: Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Teresa is a healthy and active woman. However, in March 2020, she developed acute COVID-19. Since then, Teresa has been experiencing symptoms of long-term COVID, including disability with severe fatigue, joint pain, cognitive problems with brain fog and impaired proprioception.

Implementation of the SSP

Teresa sought help for her symptoms of long-term COVID. The goal of treatment was to give the SSP version of vagal nerve stimulation to add more parasympathetic calm to her nervous system, which was stuck in the survival mode with postviral dysautonomia symptoms (affecting the autonomic nervous system).

The SSP was delivered remotely to Teresa (hours 1 through 5). First there was co-listening, and later the client felt regulation and comfort with independent listening. Other regulatory offerings included psychoeducation, an assessment with a self-regulation scale, and breathing interventions.


Direct access to the vagus nerve that is affected and impaired in individuals with long-term COVID meant that direct shifts were available in her nervous system.

As a result of long-term COVID, the dysautonomia she experienced led to a frozen face with no expression. After the SSP delivery, however, Teresa noticed that her face was "thawing." Not only was she pleased to see that this allowed smiles and facial movements, she also reported that she felt more regulated in her nervous system, plus a decrease in her tachycardia, and that she could breathe more easily.


Teresa's family members were pleasantly surprised that she became more available and socially engaged . Provider Christa Hines also shares, "I have anecdotal evidence [that the SSP supports a reduction in long-term COVID symptoms] from myself and my son, who also travel long distances, and I work with more people with long-term COVID all the time. More evidence will follow, I'm sure!"

"Many people with long-term COVID will have an accessible way to relieve their symptoms," Christa adds.


It is important to note that the SSP is not a cure or treatment for COVID-19. Improved autonomic regulation and resilience that can be provided by the SSP can support a client's overall healing and recovery.

This information relates to general health and well-being and is not intended as medical advice. We also recommend that you always consult a medical provider in the event of recovery from COVID-19 or other health problems.
